Agroforestry in Communities for Restoration and Empowerment (ACRE) is our food project in Kwanyarko-Akwamu village in the Asuogyaman District, Eastern Region. ACRE is aimed at addressing climate change and restoring nature through an agroforestry food production system. In August 2023, we will be establishing a farm on a 1-acre degraded land in the village. Through this project we are hoping to advocate for sustainable agricultural production that puts the planet first, empowers communities and improves the livelihoods of farmers and households.
The objectives of the project are:
• Encourage farmers in the village to adopt farming practices that conserve nature and reduce carbon emissions by using the agroforestry farm as a demonstration site.
• Engage school children in food-growing activities as part of their education, empowering them to connect with nature and increase their environmental awareness.
• Raise public awareness about the benefits and contribution of agroforestry to food systems transformation.
• Advocate for agric-food policy changes that promote sustainable food production and support youth in agriculture.
ACRE is currently supported by Gower Street and WildRain.